class for matching alternatives
parser for blockcomments
example of an expression parser. expr -> term { + term } term -> factor { * factor } factor -> number | ( expr )
parser for parsing ints
this parser is needed to build recursive parser hierarchies. look for expression.d for a more realistic example than in the unittest
class for matching an array exactly
class for matching something optional
parser for regular expressions a successful parse step returns all captures in an array
class for matching repetitions
class for matching sequences
convenient function to instantiate a AlphaNumericParser
convenient function
convenience function to create an integer parser
convenient function to build a parser that kills the result of another parser e.g. killResults(match("a")) succeeds, but returns an empty result
convenient function to instantiate a lazy parser with a delegate
convenient function to instantiate a lazy parser with a function
convenient function to instantiate a matcher
convenient function to instantiate a number parser
convenient function
convenient function to instantiate a regexparser
convenient function